Friday, December 18, 2009

6 months go by and.. wow..

Family Day at Huntington Library.

Here are some pictures to capture the last month of Baby kC:

Monday, November 30, 2009

A Day in the Life of Freddie the Frog

Here is KariAnne's "friend" Freddie the Frog. She just wanted to introduce him to everyone :) She especially likes the little tag on his side... her favorite part to chew.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Milestones at 5 months

KariAnne's recent milestones-- Eating Rice Cereal and Taking her First Sippy Cup!

Here's her first sippy cup! She took it without any hesitation and even showed daddy how to use it! It's the Nuby Sippy Cup and he even tried to suck it to give it a try...and said to me " Uh.. I think baby is going to have a hard time getting liquid out of this, she has to suck really hard"...and then we handed it to baby and she showed daddy how it was done! (you have to bite on it and then liquid comes out) -- Good job baby kC!

Here's baby with her Rice Cereal. We started it one day after she turned 5 months and she loved it! We're so proud of her. She still has to work on her tongue/swallowing action but she can take it pretty easily. A bit messy--yes... but totally worth the kodak moments. She likes to be a big girl and hold her spoon and bowl herself! But of course, we know how that would look like if we gave it all to her...

Not sure if this will load properly.. but here is a video of her first feeding of Rice Cereal :)

Happy 5 Months KariAnne!

KariAnne is 5 months now! By God's grace we've made it through 5 months and she's growing like there's no tomorrow!

Here are a few pictures to capture this past month...

Here she is after bath time. She's been a pretty good bath take ever since her first back at 3 weeks. She doesn't cry and only whines/fusses when we wash her hair because she doesn't like to get water on her face.

Here she is taking a silly picture of herself. Haha, ok--she wasn't the one taking the picuture, Mommy was....

She loves story time! This is one of her favorite stories "Teddy's Birthday"... it's one that we've been reading to her since she was a weee little one.. well after she started "hearing" it while she was still in the womb!

Always trying to pull things and put them into her mouth.

TT! TUMMY TIME! She's definitely improved since a couple months back....doesn't like to be on her tummy for that long but it's a drastic improvement.

Here is baby KariAnne with her Aunty GenGen.. quality bonding time together ;)

Baby and her Cloth Books! We had to get her these cloth books because she loves to put everything in her mouth! Yes, books included. So every time we have story time instead of just sitting and listening, she wants to sit, listen and CHEW on all her books!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sleep Solution?

For the past couple weeks, hubby and I were struggling to find the best sleep method/technique to help baby kc. Ultimately we wanted the most healthiest sleep training method for her. In months 1 and 2, it was quite easy because when she was tired, she would just fall asleep on her own without any assistance and sleep for hours! In month 2 , she needed some assistance with the help of a paci and some swaddling, and then she'd be out! However, right when she turned to month 3--somehow, she just decided to become a "big girl" and fight her naps and give mommy and daddy and hard time. She's definitely an awesome sleeper, that is, once she's asleep! But the challenge was how to calm her down and get her sleepy. We knew that letting her cry it out wasn't the best for our family ways so we let her listen to her music box that plays quiet classical music and then she would drift off into lah lah land. However, as month 4 approached she decided to become an even "bigger girl" by ignoring her music box, and get all giddy and excited (everything opposite of calming down for nap/nitenite time). She would flair her arms, kick her feet with exciting and show us her big smiles of wanting play time despite those tired, red eyebrows and yawns. She wanted to let us know that she "wasn't sleepy" despite her tired signs.

Another week would go by and something new would happen to show us that she definitely knew it was nap/nitenite time but didn't want to comply. She would start to whine/fuss and then eventually cry hysterically even though we would be holding her! So sometimes I would have to nurse her to calm her down. Nursing definitely works but when I put her down, she would start crying so definitely that was not the best solution and healthy sleep habit to instill. Even with rocking and swinging motions by daddy, that was short lived. At times when she needs it then daddy will help her but we know that's not a healthy sleep habit to instill in her in the long run. So we thought maybe she just needed to "let it out" and cry. As hard it was to see her, that's what we did for one day because we were solution-less. However, there was just something about letting her cry it out that we didn't really feel comfortable with. Even when we laid by her side letting her know that we weren't abandoning her, watching her cry was too difficult.

So with the combination effort and idea between hubby and I we came up with a routine to help her prepare for nap/nite nite time and so far, for the past 3 days, it's worked! It's a solution with no crying (maybe some fussing) but definitely no tears!

TECHNIQUE/TACTIC: I would hold her upright by our bedroom window so she can look outside. Then I will say "it's nap nap/nitenite time" and "it's time to close your eyes, and rest your body". Then we'll sing 1 song of "Twinkle Twinkle" and then I'll start singing my special song that I created just for her. Sometimes we turn on the star music box we can have that in the background, but she doesn't need it all the time. Then I'll hold her and kiss her, while singing my special song to her, and lay her down. She's usually calm by now, but sometimes she fusses and protests but it's not crying at least. Then I'll continue to sing her the special song while I'm laying next to her (sometimes on our bed-if so, then I'll transfer her when she's sleepy). She likes to kick her legs at this time but over time she tires herself out. Eventually she gets sleepy and her eyes are drowsy, then off to lah lah land she goes.

I'm just thankful to God that He allowed such an opporutnity to be a parent and allowed me to reap the rewards of parental stewardship.

But I'm sure to conquer the art of sleeping will be a work in progress....

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Just for Kicks-4 months!

KariAnne got her 2nd set of Immunizations shots yesterday and she did a great job! Other than crying during the administration of the shots, she stopped right after that. She's such a big girl! OR maybe it's because the chubbiness in her thighs helped to cover her pain... hehe.

I was just playing around with this Smile Box application and it turned out pretty cute:)

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook: Just for Kicks-4 months!

Create your own scrapbook - Powered by Smilebox
Make a Smilebox scrapbook

Monday, October 12, 2009

Almost to a Big Girl Carseat

Cannot believe baby kC is already at the "Big Girl" carseat level. She still has a few more weeks (2 months at most) till she out grows her original baby carseat, but we had to buy this in advance just in case in one she just decides to outgrow her baby one. As you can see, she's already getting really acquainted with it.
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story time!

KariAnne loves her story time! Well, that is after she is well fed and well rest :) She loves this story called "Teddy's Birthday." Hopefully one day she'll learn to read it back to Mommy and Daddy.
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Starting Off

I'm new to the whole blogging concept but I think it'll be something exciting to try out, so we'll see how long it lasts for. KariAnne grows so fast and it's neat to compare her from month to month. This will be a great tool to share with family and friends interested in watching KariAnne grow up when they can't physically see her on a normal basis. Since I'm a little late in the game with KariAnne being 4 months already I guess I'll just provide a little recap of the past few months...

Here is KariAnne in her Bumbo seat. She started sitting in it around 2 months. We're trying to practice utilizing her tummy muscles and neck muscles so she can learn how to sit on her own. Eventually it'll come. She's setting her own pace :) but as you can see, having a good time trying!

At 3 months and 3 weeks, her first tooth showed! No wonder she has been drooling like crazy!

Tummy Time has been a little better for baby kC. At least she doesn't complain like she used to. She's definitely getting there and getting more towards the 90 Degree angle.. but some days it's short lived... but better than nothing!